Oct 072009

I have a number of travel goals including visiting more than 100 different countries.  While I have a good start, there is obviously a long way to go (and a long way to travel).

Below is a map of the world.  The countries shown in red are those that I have visited.  There are a few observations that one can take from looking at this map.

  1. There’s no red showing in the southern hemisphere.  Clearly I need to rectify this problem.  The equator currently serves as a barrier.
  2. The countries I have visited cover most of the landmass of the northern hemisphere.  Of course, North America and Russia will do that!

There are several things you cannot tell simply by looking the map.

  1. My visit to Poland and Japan did not involve ever getting out of the airport.  So, these two countries need future attention!
  2. I have not visited Alaska.  It is colored ref simply because it is part of the United States.
  3. The software that created the map marked England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland simply by checking United Kingdom.  Indeed, I have visited England and Scotland, but not Wales or Northern Ireland.
  4. The map detail is too small to represent several islands in the Caribbean that I have visited.

map of the world with visited countries in red
visited 26 countries (11.5%)
Create your own visited map of The World